Our Mission

The mission of Gunther’s Family is to provide assistance to charitable organizations based in the US and abroad for the welfare of animals, marginalized communities, women, and children. The idea was born out of the realization that by helping grassroots, foreign, and not-yet-incorporated organizations offer donors the option of tax-deductible giving, and ensuring reliable donation management and tracking, Gunther’s Family could encourage greater community support for these important local organizations, as well as reach a much broader base of supporters.

But, more importantly, who Is Gunther?

Gunther was our beloved rescue Doberman Pinscher dog. Because Gunther was already a middle-aged gentleman when he was given up for adoption, we wondered what unpleasant behavior we would discover once we got him home. We never did find out. As we drove away from the rescue place that day, with Gunther sitting contentedly in our back seat, we couldn’t imagine how this gentle, open-hearted soul would quickly change our lives. Yes, we are probably biased, but Gunther was as sweet a dog as we’ve ever known. He treated every being he encountered on our walks like family members he had known forever. He happily sniffed and licked his feline siblings, and could often be found curled up with one of them on the sofa. By simply being Gunther, every day, he reminded us to be kinder people, to open our hearts too, and to see the very best in others as much as possible. Though he passed away five years later, we still feel his warm presence everywhere — especially when we meet new people and animals out in the world. Gunther’s Family was founded in this spirit. Let us all remember that we are, really, just one big family.